The Association of Rugby Players of Serbia, or ARIS for short, asked us to publish a public notice, which we do in full.

The Association of Rugby Players of Serbia, or ARIS for short, addressed the editorial office with a press release, which we are transmitting in its entirety. As they state in their email, the original creators, and later the founders and implementers of this movement, are the current and former players of the Serbian national rugby team.

Dissatisfied with the current state of rugby in Serbia, ARIS addressed this letter to the Rugby Union of Serbia and all clubs in Serbia. With this, they want to be initiators of change and seek the support of active players and rugby workers in Serbia, because your participation can significantly contribute to the achievement of these goals and influence positive changes.

Everyone who is willing to support this organization, who wants to contribute to changes in Serbian rugby and agrees with the points mentioned in the document below can sign individually or collect signatures by their clubs, scan them and send them to the official address of ARIS arisrbija

PDF document for player signatures: ARIS – Signatures

Below you can read all the details of their initiative, who is on the committee and what the organization stands for.

You can access the original document by clicking on ARIS – Public Release

This announcement is only the first step, the beginning of our organization’s activities. In the next document, which is already in preparation, ARIS will address the Serbian rugby public and point out in detail the problems of the domestic leagues, and above all the younger categories, because they are the foundation of the successful development of every sport.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


Who are we?

We are the Association of Rugby Players of Serbia, which is organized with the best intentions in the desire to be the initiator of changes in Serbian rugby, which is currently in a very bad position. We want to gather all former and active players and rugby workers who agree with us and have a desire to contribute to improving the current situation.


Improving the standards of rugby in Serbia and improving the conditions of the senior and junior teams
national teams for players from domestic and foreign competitions, with the intention of restoring pride in wearing the colors of our country.


For too long as a nation we have played rugby below the level we are capable of. The Rugby Union of Serbia and its representatives should make it a priority to play rugby at the highest possible level, considering the quality of players who can represent the national team of Serbia, in both disciplines – rugby 15 and rugby 7. The recent bronze medal in Conference 1 in rugby 7 shows that there is quality and commitment of the players, but we must not allow this to cover up the unprofessionalism of the professional staff appointed by the Rugby Union of Serbia and the failures of rugby 15. It should be especially emphasized that the national team of Serbia in rugby 15 did not have a positive outcome in international competitions on home soil from October 2022.

During the Rugby 7s tournament and the Rugby 15s season, the players were not provided with adequate support to achieve the best possible results. In many cases, the actions of certain members of the professional staff actively hindered their progress. Poor leadership and a lack of professionalism, responsibility and competence led to the players not feeling valued, and the motivation and commitment, necessary for quality competition and results, dropped drastically. As a result of all this, we can testify to the reduced number of players in the training sessions of the senior national team.

As a collective union of players, with representatives from domestic clubs and foreign and domestic representatives at senior and junior level, we believe that it is necessary to introduce some crucial changes in order to save rugby from extinction in Serbia.

Uros Babić


• Janko Zemun Milinković
• Kaspar Strugar
• Rajko Janković
• Aleksandar Krstić
• Nikola Advigov
• Aleksandar Nedeljković
• Dejan Karatrajkovski
• Milan Marinković
• Istok Totić

Clubs that have not nominated a representative so far are requested to do so and contact ARIS at

Who do we need:

All former and current active players at the senior level, as well as U18s category players.

Player wish:

The players do not lack the desire to play for Serbia and we love and are proud to represent our country. These suggestions aim to provide players with better conditions during their performances for the national team and improve the chances of further success, because we do not want to be frustrated by problems and the current situation that can be solved and improved with will and effort. Players have been talking about these problems for years and they are the reason why, in most cases, the decision not to play for the national team remains the only solution to avoid further frustrations and dissatisfaction.

One of the key decisions of the Rugby Union of Serbia, which disappointed many players and negatively affected the motivation and desire to represent Serbia at the national level, is the easy acceptance of Rugby Europe’s proposal to compete in Group C of the Conference in the 2023/2024 season (picture number 1). Without any negotiations with Rugby Europe and communication with the players, even though we have shown that we have the necessary quality and capacity for that by finishing second in 2021/2022 and first in 2022/2023, the Serbian Rugby Union lightly agreed to this proposal. This may have been an easier decision organizationally and financially, but it led to us playing rugby at a much lower level, which therefore negatively affected the further development of the players and contributed to further dissatisfaction with the current situation and lack of motivation.

Picture 1

Most of the players have played for the national team for years and have dreamed of the moment when they will get the opportunity to compete at a higher level and play with better quality rugby teams. Also, chances to build on the great results from Riga 2012 and Zagreb 2015 were missed. The players put in a lot of effort to improve physically and develop the rugby skills that would allow them to play at a higher level, and at times when we could have taken advantage of that and made progress, we didn’t.

The Serbian Rugby Union has at its disposal extremely high-quality players from the domestic championship as well as players who play at good amateur and semi-professional levels in some of the biggest rugby countries (France, England, Scotland, Italy, Australia). Unfortunately, the results are lacking due to the absence of a quality plan and program of the national team, inadequate and unprofessional coaching, medical and logistical support. This situation was significantly contributed by the leadership of the Rugby Union of Serbia, as well as those who were or are still engaged by the same to deal with some of the key rugby issues and make crucial decisions. Most of them, with some exceptions, used or still use the Rugby Union of Serbia as an easy and safe source of additional income and have no will and desire to improve professionally, which can be easily noticed by their disorganized approach and lack of professionalism. Therefore, in order to avoid this in the future and to ensure the future of representative rugby in Serbia, we as the Association of Rugby Players of Serbia have decided to take matters into our own hands and submit some of the basic proposals that we believe will improve the standard of rugby in Serbia.


1. Транспарентност

  • Define a clear goal as well as the mission, purpose and vision of the national team and the Rugby Union of Serbia.
  • Annually, quarterly or in key periods of the year (eg the end of the season, before national team matches, the start of the domestic league or important tournaments).
  • Have a clear three-year plan that will be updated annually.
  • Have a clear annual plan that will be communicated to clubs, players and the public.
  • Transparency in the use of finances for national teams at the senior and junior level. How much and what is paid from the budget? Who determines the same and whose duty is the financial development of the alliance?
  • External analysis of success or failure and take into account feedback from active players.
  • A clear schedule for all senior and junior national team matches at the beginning of the season.

1.2 Developing the public image of rugby in Serbia (visibility of the sport with the aim of attracting sponsors):

  • Professional presentation on social networks (FB, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube) and regular and timely content updates because no serious sponsor will support a sport whose results are not professionally followed.
  • To achieve cooperation with certain media houses and follow all major events through the media space such as media portals, television, social media, etc.
  • Professionally record all the matches of the national team and the tournaments of the week using more than one camera so that the video material is of satisfactory quality and organize the saving of the same in some kind of online archive. This video material could be further used for the purpose of promoting rugby via the Internet as well as further analysis of the tactical and technical abilities of the players and further professional education of coaches.
  • Persons with media and relevant experience who can contribute to a better and more professional representation on the Internet and social networks should be appointed to this position.

1.3 Rugby online store:

  • It is necessary to enable the purchase of rugby equipment, as there is a high demand, and the immediate purchase of any item, either branded or from partners like Stingz, is impossible.
  • The revenue could be used to fund rugby at all levels.
  • If finances or the contract with Stingz are an issue, steps should be taken to find the necessary solutions and resources to operate effectively.

2. Сениорски национални тим:

2.1 Clear communication:

  • Three months before the start of the season, all players should be given the correct information (date, time, location, etc.) regarding preparatory training, camps or games. If the exact details have not been confirmed by Rugby Europe at that time then this should be made clear and potential dates presented in the meantime.
  • Individual and club invitations should be sent at least two months before the game.

2.2 Equipment:

  • For each season, each national team member should be provided with the following: two training shirts, shorts, sweatshirt, backpack/bag and banquet polo shirt.
  • In the case of playing training or matches in colder months, provide more adequate equipment: sweatpants, tracksuits, jackets, etc.
  • This contributes to the professional appearance of the national teams and means a lot to the players because they feel valued and part of the team.
  • This equipment is the basic minimum and should not be presented as a special success of the management. All national teams, even with a minimal budget, provide basic equipment like this!

2.3 Medical staff - doctor and physiotherapist:

  • Player health and safety is a priority! Therefore, it is urgently necessary to appoint a qualified physiotherapist and a licensed doctor who have experience working in sports.
  • Having a doctor whose license has expired and a physiotherapist who specializes in dentistry is unacceptable and irresponsible for any sports organisation, especially high risk sports such as rugby.
  • There are plenty of qualified sports physiotherapists and doctors in Serbia. It is up to the Rugby Union of Serbia to approach this problem professionally and carefully select people with relevant experience and qualifications, because in the event that a serious injury occurs with fatal or long-term consequences, the Rugby Union of Serbia would bear the responsibility.
  • We don’t want to offend anyone with these items, what’s more, we have very good relations with some people. We only want professional and competent medical staff as part of the national team’s coaching staff, because after all, the health and safety of the players must not be questioned!
  • Appoint a principal physiotherapist/doctor and establish a collaboration with a college or university that has a physiotherapy major, allowing students to gain experience under the supervision of an accredited physiotherapist/doctor.

2.4 Professional staff:

  • The unprofessional and unprofessional behavior and actions of members of the coaching staff and administration during recent training sessions, matches and rugby 15s and 7s tournaments are unacceptable and must change.
  • The players do not have the impression that the selectors and coaches who currently work with the national team are experts who have the necessary knowledge and experience necessary for the further development of the players and the success of the Serbian national team.
  • Some of the unprofessional and unprofessional decisions of the selectors and coaches, as well as omissions and incidents that must not be kept silent, are the following: ➢The presence of certain members of the professional staff at the rugby sevens tournament (European Championship 2024) and in the hotel under the influence of alcohol and illegal substances.
    ➢Inadequate warm-up before the week’s tournament – players were instructed to play contact rugby in a small area during the warm-up until almost the start of the game, regardless of the weather conditions (30+ degrees Celsius). ➢Long trainings without any plan including pushing the scrum machine the day before the game and 5 days (10 hours) of continuous training.
    ➢Selecting a young player of the third line to play the post (number 3) without any technical-tactical and physical preparation against a much more experienced and physically fit opponent, which jeopardizes his safety.
    ➢Organization of a preparatory game, for some players the first game of rugby 15 in the season, against a physically, technically and tactically more dominant team.

Therefore, we suggest that the current professional staff be dissolved and that an adequate replacement be found as soon as possible. An adequate replacement should not be at the same or a lower level of knowledge and experience than the players themselves. Likewise, if the Rugby Union of Serbia does not have the current financial means to fulfill this proposal, we suggest that more experienced players from Serbia and abroad and players who are engaged in coaching work as coach-players be temporarily appointed to that position until an adequate replacement is found.

2.5 Training of the national team:

  • For a long time now, the quality of training has not been at the level of a team whose goal is to develop and progress. This deepens the gap between the players and the coaching staff.
  • The level of training and preparation necessary to compete at international level was not sufficient, leading to our worst rugby season in 15 years.
  • Introduce a clear system and game plan adapted to playing ability and rugby experience and knowledge. Currently, such a plan DOES NOT EXIST.
  • Introduce a clear weekly training plan where the volume and intensity of training is manipulated. Currently, such a plan DOES NOT EXIST, trainings are daily and last too long, while the players spend most of their time in the camp ineffectively. Players cannot be expected to have 10 hours of training in 5 days and play a game at a high level when most of the domestic players spent an average of 2-5 hours a week training on average. It must be noted that some players do not even train actively in rugby so sudden exposure of players to extreme training minutes can have negative effects on their health and performance.
  • Find better training facilities with access to a gym and better quality training grounds. The fields of Rugby Club Rad and Belgrade Rugby Club Crvena Zvezda can still be used, but the conditions for training need to be significantly improved.

2.6 Annual preparation of national teams:

  • The preparation of the national team should be organized throughout the year.
  • Before gathering the whole team, the domestic players should be familiar with the plan and system of the game through one-month trainings, the monthly frequency of which would increase to get closer to the representative cycle (eg two trainings per month, three trainings per month, etc.).
  • Potential and permanent players from abroad should be provided with a digital version of the game plan and system so that they can adequately prepare for the upcoming training sessions of the national team.
  • Before gathering the whole team, the domestic players should have preparatory matches to familiarize themselves with the game systems before the arrival of the foreign players.
  • These matches would have to be adequate for our current level in terms of gradual preparation for competitive matches and so that there would be no outcome that could negatively affect player motivation and further development.

2.7 Representation:

  • Применити правило да сваки клуб у Србији има право да пошаље бар по три играча на тренинг камп репрезентације.
  • Open trainings for all players of domestic competitions before the camp of the national team with the purpose of providing an opportunity for the professional staff to get to know potential candidates for further national team selection.

2.8 Strength and conditioning training program:

  • It is necessary to provide a strength and conditioning program for all players, throughout the year for rugby 15. While for rugby 7 a program should be provided that the players should follow at least two months before the gathering.
  • This program should be provided by qualified strength and conditioning coaches, sports scientists or persons who have graduated from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education and have experience working with athletes.

2.9 Rugby 7s:

  • During the Rugby Conference 7 Tournament the organisation, marketing and potential sponsorships should be approached in a timely manner and with much more professionalism in order to increase the popularity of rugby and attract fans.
  • The previously mentioned points 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 should also be applied in rugby 7.

3) Domestic league:

3.1 Consistency and vision:

  • It is very important that the domestic league is reorganized, returned to the old level and continuously developed.
  • The rugby 10 format is not an adequate solution because it is not effective for developing the entire scrum game and can be very off-putting for heavier first and second line players.

3.2 Centralized team (Sportex):

  • Bringing back the collective Serbian team as it once was (Sportex) would bring great progress. Local players would have the opportunity to play regular rugby 15 matches against much better quality competition and develop through competitive matches. This would also serve as an opportunity for the players to familiarize themselves with the national team’s game plan and system, as well as to maintain the level of physical and technical-tactical preparation between the two representative cycles.

4) Junior team:

  • The support for the younger categories must be significantly better, because our youth teams are among the best in the region.
  • Organize a Sportex U18 where that team would travel with the seniors and play against the same teams where possible.
  • Organize more regular training camps with the support of senior and foreign players, in order to develop technical and tactical skills and understanding of the game that will better prepare young players for the transition to seniors.
  • Apply the same or a simpler version of the senior system and game plan, which would allow for a more efficient and faster transition from junior to senior rugby.
  • Identify positions of importance to the national team every 2-4 years (eg post, second line, scrumhalf, opener, etc.) and call up players who have physical (height, strength, speed, etc.) as well as technical (shooting, addition, etc.) potential to attend national team training in moderate capacities. To players who do not have the same potential, but have the desire and will to work, provide additional support (physical training, rugby skills training, etc.) and monitor their further development as a player.


First year (April 2025 - August 2026):

  • Establish well-timed invitations for all matches and training sessions of senior and junior teams.
  • Provide adequate infrastructure for the maintenance of national team camps.
  • Provide adequate equipment to all players and staff members selected to represent Serbia.
  • Organize an annual meeting with clearly defined goals and a plan for the next three years.
  • Implement a player identification program and the right of clubs to send players to selective national team training.
  • Appoint adequate professional staff, doctors and physiotherapists.
  • Organize regular training sessions for the senior and junior teams.


First Year Goals (September 2025 - August 2026)

  • Rugby 15: Win the current conference and enter the Trophy Cup play-off.
  • Rugby 7: Win the current Conference 1 and be promoted to a higher rank.

Objectives of the second year (September 2026 - August 2027):

  • Rugby 15: Promotion to the Trophy Cup.
  • Rugby 7: Staying ranked above the current one

Objectives of the third year (September 2027 - August 2028):

Goals for the third year to be discussed with the players and the Serbian Rugby Union by the start of the 2025-2026 season.


Listed here are the people who have given their consent to have their name on this list. All others who can contribute to the development of rugby in Serbia with their knowledge, professional experience and desire are asked to contact

  • Janko Zemun Milinković – Doctor of Medicine in Specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  • Aleksandar Mihajlović Lili – International Rugby Tutor and Rugby Coach.
  • Istok Totić – Graduate Worker in Sports Development, Rugby Coach and Professor of Physical Education.
  • Milan Marinković – Master of Science in Sport and Exercise, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Rugby Coach.
  • Mirko Ranković – Graduated Business Manager, Graduated Manager in Sports and Owner of the Training Complex.
  • Uroš Babić – Graduated in Law
  • Александар Недељковић – Рагби Тренер, Спортски Радник и Гет Инто Рагби Инструктор.
  • Tijana Vesović – Sports Photographer and Coordinator of Social Networks
  • Vanja Bejin – Sports Photographer and IT Engineer
  • Stevan Ilijašević – MBA Strategic Management and Editor of the ( Portal.
  • Milan Orlović – Rugby Coach


This plan proposes the necessary steps for the improvement of rugby in Serbia and unites players, experts and management in the common goal of restoring pride and developing the sport at all levels. We especially emphasize that this document must not be used by unprofessional and incompetent persons who have already had the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of Serbian rugby.


Please have each club, coach or player print and provide the attached table to their players to enter their information and signature. After collecting the signatures, please scan the original version and send it to the ARIS email address

With our signature, we stand behind the aforementioned and mentioned points of this document and support the work of the Association of Rugby Players of Serbia.

PDF document for player signatures: ARIS – Signatures