The rugby field in Starčevo will be the scene of the masters of this game, who, although they are old, still possess the magic of rugby and can provide fantastic games and perform masterful possessions. The gathering is scheduled for Saturday at 5 p.m. Between 100 and 150 rugby players from across Europe are expected to take part. As in previous years, the number of teams, matches, and who will play for whom will be determined on the spot.
The best thing about veteran tournaments is that everyone agrees that fun, safety and recreation come first. However, he can play well, and sometimes he dares to make a good play or make an individual breakthrough. However, everything should be subordinated to fair play and having a good time. After all, he has to go to work on Monday.
That’s why everyone enjoys veteran rugby. It is expected that veterans from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Netherlands, Norway and other countries will take part. An ideal opportunity to talk about rugby, and the topic is as much as you want, from local current events to the Olympic Games.
The program will open with a match between women’s teams Borca from Starčevo and Belgrade Pandas. An ideal opportunity to devote a little more time to women’s rugby in Serbia, which has been on the decline in recent years. After the ladies, it’s time for the veteran matches, which will last neither too short nor too long, but just as long as needed. And of course, after the sports activities, it will be the third half, where we believe the veterans can stand out and shine the most.
We hereby invite all rugby fans to come to Starčevo, to spend quality time with rugby and friends, to enjoy sports, good weather and socializing. People from Borec are always extremely hospitable and everyone is welcome.
See you in Starčevo!